Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I Love The Simple Things


It is truly the simple little things in life that give me great pleasure.  I like to keep fresh flowers on our mantle, usually carnations as they are my favorite.  I love their fluffy blooms and subtle fragrance.  They make me smile.


I love all kinds of silly little things like vacuum cleaner marks in the carpet, shiny sinks and faucets, the smell of newly trimmed grass, fresh air in the spring when I can finally open my windows after a long cold winter.  The smell of freshly brewing coffee is another thing that makes me feel warm and fuzzy not unlike my slippers or my favorite throw blanket.  Kitties snoozing in my lap is delightful thing as well.  The warmth of candles burning or a kerosene lamp on a dark winter night.  I love pots of flowers on my front porch and the blossoms on the trees each spring.


I find a lot of inner peace within myself whenever I find the joy in the simpler things.  Tell me what simple things in life bring you joy and a sense of peace.




  1. Blessings indeed for the small joys of life. Hugs to you as you continue your recovery from all your recent heart work.

  2. That first cup of hot coffee in the morning when the rest of the house is still sleeping!

  3. Sitting on the porch with my cat Henry enjoying a cup of coffee, listening to the sounds of nature. :)

  4. I love a clean house, fresh flowers and candles.

  5. Finishing a craft project....but based on the # of Unfinished craft projects I have...that must not happen very often :). I also love the purr of a kitty and the pop of a fresh Diet Coke. So glad you are feeling better and are continuing on with your blog - I really look forward to it!

    1. I have a pile of those too right now. A kitty purring for sure! :)

  6. I feel the same! My simple pleasures include a cup of hot tea, a good book, my kitty sitting on my lap, my houseplants (a growing collection), and jazz streaming on my speakers!

  7. A deadline met...on time. And being able to relax and sleep in afterward.

    The dogs' groans of contentment while you're scratching and petting them. (Husband's groans of contentment for same!)

    Green chili, if made right. (I am a HUGE fan.) Plus extra to spoon over scrambled eggs the next morning.

    Dark chocolate. With nuts.

    A really good movie. I may have seen it before -- doesn't matter. Compound the pleasure with hot popcorn.

    A really good book, hot cup of tea, warm blanket...and rain or snow pattering on the window. This doesn't happen a lot in Colorado. The rain/snow, I mean.

    A phone call or text from one of our girlies, out of the blue and for no specific reason. Bliss.

    Fresh flowers are nice. So is a colander of beautiful bright-colored veggies or fruit, waiting to be used, but just decorating the table right now.

    And your blog! I enjoy it so much.

    1. You are singing my song on so many of these things Cindy. I can watch Tombstone over and over again. It's my fave. :)

  8. My simple things: My kitchen counters cleaned off. The smell cut grass. Sun-dried sheets on my bed. A very warm shower at bedtime. The smell of lilacs. Ducks on the pond. Clouds in a blue sky. A clean car. Lemons, the smell & taste. And yes, a good cup of coffee.


Your kind comments are always appreciated. I love hearing from you.

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