Monday, April 5, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves


I had a very busy and productive week last week.  Sunday I worked on purging items from our hall closet and then reorganizing what was left.  I went through our CDs and DVDs.  Some of the DVDs went to the girls as they belonged to them.  I added some other items I found in there to the donation bag in our garage which is just about full.  Once I had gone through everything I was easily able to reorganize the items I want to keep.  I used scrap paper to make labels for some storage bins I already had in our garage.  I'm quite happy with how it all turned out.  I even have some blank space!


When I got home from work on Monday listed some of the CDs and DVDs we no longer wish to keep for sale on eBay.  I don't know if they will sell, but I figured it is worth a shot.  I was able to get rid of a few more items I found around the house too.


On Tuesday I got home to find a special treasure on my front porch.  A vintage item from my past in need of a good overhaul and that is how I spent my evening.  Doing something I haven't done in quite some time and I loved it so much!  This little project I took on has fueled me to want to do more of these projects which I will be sharing more about in an upcoming post very soon.


My latest acquisition, more to come...

Wednesday evening  my youngest helped me take care of another project I've needed to do for a very long time and that was to let go of some sentimental items I had in our downstairs bedroom closet.  I talked it out, we bagged them up and I said good bye.  It was hard, but I do feel better now that they are no longer here and weighing on me because I honestly didn't know what on earth to do with them.  No one else wanted them and they had no value.  I have the memories and that is enough.  Anyone else have a hard time letting go of sentimental items?


The rest of the week I spent my evenings in the downstairs bedroom and garage working on some purging and reorganized the closet.  I filled up another bag of items to donate and added more items to the recycle bin


Our first shop in April

Saturday morning I got up bright and early, took my car to the carwash for a good spring cleaning after a storm earlier in the week had left it absolutely disgusting.  Our windows on the house are a complete mess as well.  After the carwash I went to Winco to pick up fresh produce, our crisper drawer in the refrigerator was about empty, and some pantry items to replace what I'd used last month.


Pantry items we used last month got replaced

It was a busy Saturday for us.  Once my youngest was up and about we went out and changed the oil on my car and topped up all the fluids, then took it for a quick spin.  After that my daughter headed off to work and I headed into our craft/guest room and went completely through all of my fabrics and sewing supplies, reorganized them and set out what I needed for some planned projects I have coming up.


THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Hamburgers, carne asada, polish sausages, nachos, turkey sandwich.


One squeaky clean and neatly organized refrigerator


Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - vacuumed floors.  Daily swish & swipe.

Kitchen & Dining Room -  Cleaned & reorganized interior of refrigerator.  Vacuumed & spot mopped floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - Vacuumed & dusted.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - two loads of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & both entryways.


Our pantry

THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I washed out a couple Ziploc bags to reuse.  I added some warm water to an empty bottle of dish soap and gave it a good shake which gave me enough soap solution to wash dishes for several days.  I changed the oil and topped up the fluids on my car with supplies I already had in our garage that were purchased last year.  We ate up our leftovers and gave our kitchen scraps to the chickens.  I kept our spending and my driving to a minimum.


THINGS I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$:  I sold some birthday cards from my Etsy shop and listed more items for sale on eBay.  I worked a tiny amount of overtime.


I was quite happy with all the things I got done over the past week.  How was your thrifty week?




  1. I have one of those vacummed sealed huge bag full of sentimental school work from my daughter and even a few things from myself. Some are 50 years old. My daughter has no interest in them after I am gone but I just cant part with them. One is a writing assignment I did 52 years ago in the first grade about my fathers love of Chinese food ! Lol

    1. Oh my gosh, that is awesome! You never know, she may change her mind but if you can't part with it then don't. I have some things I am keeping for that very same reason.


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