Monday, April 19, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves


Hello everyone!  There is nothing so nice as a good night of sleep in your own comfy bed while wearing your favorite pajamas.  It's the little things in life, let me tell you!  I was up bright and early Sunday morning.  Took out the kitchen trash and made myself a hot cup of coffee.  I got to take off the last of the bandages from my hospital stay that morning so the only traces left were the marks and purple bruising from my multiple stab wounds, LOL.  I am on the mend!


Monday I was all about getting myself caught up answering your very kind and sweet blog comments.  I cannot thank you enough for all the well wishes you've extended to me.  I also worked on some more detailed meal planning while watching Dances With Wolves and got a couple slow walks in.  The purple bruising all over my arms had changed to a very lovely green and yellow.  Eww… but it was progress.  LOL


I spent some of my pocket $$ on this fun little gizmo

Tuesday morning I ordered myself a toy from Amazon.  I was thinking it might be helpful, especially after I head back to work, to be able to make my brunches with a handy little appliance so I decided to get an egg cooker.  I think they are super cute.  Once that was done I settled in to answer everyone's comments on the blog.  Wednesday morning I emptied the trash cans and got them all washed and disinfected before putting fresh liners (grocery bags) in them.  My goal for the day was to get caught up on blog related items.  I was able to answer the slew of emails that so many of my wonderful readers sent to me.  You guys are seriously helping my heart to heal, no doubt about that!  I cannot thank you all enough.  When I was done I slowly vacuumed our living room with our lightweight vacuum cleaner and called it good.  It was feet up and resting for the remainder of the day.


My latest Fred Meyer haul

Thursday my only goal was to bring the trash bins in from the curb for my daughter and to get a load of laundry done which I managed to do that just fine.  I find if I don't rush and move at a slow and even pace that I am doing really well.  And when I get tired, I rest.  Simple as that.  My goal for Friday was to go to my mammogram appointment at 8:00 in the morning and then stop in at the grocery store for a few items on my way home.  Fred Meyer had a few things on sale that I wanted so that was my destination after my appointment was done.  Mission accomplished. 😊


Loads of discount produce & a FREE bottle of salad dressing

These red mesh bags are only $1 each

I was definitely happy I made it to Fred Meyer on Friday.  I scored quite a few good markdown items in the produce department which means I won't need nearly as much as I had originally planned to get this week as we are very well stocked.  I also scored peanut butter for 79¢ a jar and organic nut bars (for me!) for 89¢ a box (usually $6.99) on markdown, a free bottle of salad dressing, a bag of carrots for 79¢ with a store coupon and several items on sale.  I was very pleased once I completed check out and was headed for home.  Definitely worth the stop.


I was excited to find these!

My daughters were excited about this

By Saturday my arms were almost completely cleared up.  A few spots left, but much, much better.  They picked on me good!  My goodness!  One thing I have made myself do every day since I got home from the hospital is to make my bed and get dressed.  I think it is really good for my psyche to do those two things, if nothing else, even if I don't plan to leave the house.


A delicious stir fry

THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Salmon with steamed broccoli, chicken vegetable egg drop soup, egg roll in a bowl, pork stir fry, pasta with meat sauce, steak & green salad.


I made my bed and got dressed every day!

I've managed to keep up on my household chores.  At first I did them five minutes at a time and then a little longer as I felt I could do it.  THINGS I CLEANED IN 15 MINUTES OR LESS: 

Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - Vacuumed floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Kitchen & Dining Room -  Vacuumed & mopped floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom -Vacuumed floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - one large load of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & both entryways.


I made this cute little omelet with my new egg cooker

THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I pretty much stayed home all week so I saved a lot of fuel in my car.  I used coupons, digital coupons and only purchased items on sale or markdown when I went to the grocery store.


I found these on markdown and added them to my prepper pantry

How was your thrifty week?




  1. So glad to hear you are feeling much better! Baby steps is definitely the way to go. I too make my bed first thing every morning and get dressed for the day. It just makes everything go so much better. Keep improving my friend!

    1. It definitely makes me feel better, that's for sure. :o)

  2. So glad you are on the road to recovery.

  3. Do you need to be on a low sodium diet? If so, I hope you post some of your favorite recipes!

    1. I don't, but I talk about what I am doing in this post:

  4. So good to know you are feeling better and getting back to normal!! Stay focused and take care of YOU!!


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