Thursday, April 8, 2021

What Is The Future Of My Blog?

You’ve probably noticed this year that we’ve been revisiting quite a few old posts lately and that is because October will mark the 10th anniversary of my blog.  I figured it might be nice to pull up some of those oldies but goodies and take another look.  It is hard for me to believe it has been nearly ten years since I decided to write that first post.  I’m really surprised that we still have things to talk about and so many people still find it all interesting.  I’ve made a lot of friends along the way too, which has been phenomenal.


So what is my plan for this blog?  Honestly, I’m not entirely sure.  My youngest child will graduate high school and head off to college next year and when that happens my life is going to change in a very big way.  I will become an empty nester and I have a lot of ideas in mind of what I want to do.  Will my blog be relevant anymore?  I rather doubt it.  Do I start a new blog?  I’m not sure.  Will the life of a retired single woman be of any interest to anyone?  Good question.  I have no idea.


Right now I am faced with so many choices and opportunities of what I can do that it has become completely overwhelming.  Do I do this, or do I do that?  Or should I do something else entirely?  Buy a house?  And if so, where?  RV travel for a while?  Just stay put?  Buy a house and RV travel?  Sell my current house?  Keep the house?  Good grief!  I can’t make up my mind.  I guess it is a good position to be in, but daunting all the same.


What I do know is that for the time being nothing is going to change on the blog for at least two more years.  But, once I am on my own I do know I will need to do something different.  Because all of you are such an important part of my blog I am inviting you to weigh in here and let me know your thoughts.  What would you like to see happen?  Are you at all interested in my life after raising children?  Does my retired life sound like something you want to know about?  Should I start another blog?  Or should I just let this one go and quietly fade away?  So many questions…..




  1. I would love to keep hearing about your life after your children have left the nest! Whether it's traveling or staying out, it's all interesting!

  2. I love reading your blog and would hate to see you stop all together. I feel like we have become friends. I have never had a blog but I do know they involve a lot of time on the bloggers part. You have lots of things to think about the next couple of years and I know you will make the best decisions for you!

    1. I feel the same. I've made some amazing friends with this blog.

  3. In semi-retirement mode myself and would love to keep reading.

  4. I think sharing your transition will be of interested to many of us readers.

    I understand the many questions having retired less than 2y ago. Housing? With the market the way it is across the country and especially here, I'm prone to keeping the house as replacing it could be out-of-reach unless you determine that full time RV living is your permanent home. My 2 cents.

    Meanwhile, enjoy the journey towards retirement :-)

    1. Ah, understood. Laverne sounds like the short-term retirement plan until you discover a new place to 'land'. :-)

  5. Why do you have to change or do anything differently than what comes naturally? i am not saying to have no plans.

  6. I think your blog is still relevant. The money saving tips you share may be even more relevant to those who are retired and on a fixed income.


  7. I think the good portion of your readers are at a similar junction as you in life. With that in mind, YES, I think they would, or at the very least, *I* would love to continue to hear about your life. Your blog has given me many ideas over the years. The reason I read your blog, and others like it, is because, while we may not have identical circumstances, there are similarities, and the way you approach those circumstances gives me ideas on how to approach similar circumstances in my own life. That said, I can't imagine committing myself to anything long term at this stage of my life, so if you throw in the towel, I'd miss you madly, but understand completely!

  8. I retired two years ago and am loving it. I'm also an empty-nester and was a frequent solo traveller until covid hit. You're gonna love retirement so please keep on blogging and tell us all about it!

  9. Yes I'd like to keep reading!

  10. I would love for you to continue to blog about your life. Yes, I think it would be very interesting to see what you do after you become an empty nester and then retire. If you decide to travel it would be very nice to see all the different places you might go to. I would say however keep the your current home as a base point. It seems to be just the right size home for you. You most likely wouldn't be able to get the same low interest rate if you by a new home. Plus before you know it the girls will be having children of their own and you will want to be close by. Something to consider anyway.
    Good Luck and Best Wishes

    Paso Robles, CA USA

  11. My husband and I have traveled quite a bit since his retirement. We have a camper and did consider full timing. We have found having a home base and coming and going seems to work best for a variety of reasons including seeing the same doctors who already know him and his needs well, and having that address for medical supply shipments etc. and that is just the medical side of it,sometimes you are just tired and want to stay put especially as you get older, you wont always have the same energy.
    We have been on the road at times three months or more before returning and there is a lot to be said for having that home base. Our house is older not fancy but adequate and paid for, so it is not a huge additional expense as we travel,before leaving I pay ahead on utilities although you wont use much when you are not there. We usually have a relative near who can check on mail etc. but you can get mail forwarded and all that. We have noticed over the years that many people who full timed eventually did decided on a home base of some kind even if it was as simple as a relative who had room to let them park on their property.
    I am sure many people would benefit from your continuing to blog, as my husband's retirement approached I found the main resources in preparing were financial but there is another side to it not often addressed. I asked an acquaintance once, for example ,about her routine for housework and how it changed after her husband retired and he was home all the time and if she had any advice for me and she didn't and thought it a strange question. Your blogging about your journey might help others who are looking for advice and information and can't really find much.
    Becoming an empty nester was harder than I thought,while it is exciting to think of the new stage of life for you and your children/child you are also saying good bye to big part of your life and you know you wont ever get it back. This is another area that readers might find helpful to read about as you blog and share your experiences.
    Hope this is helpful, as we have had to make many of those same decisions.For us no debt, keep our home base, travel as much as we want and go back to base when we want has worked well. Janet

    1. Good to know Janet. I do think a home base is something I need.

  12. I would love to continue reading your blog. I'm sure we would still hear bits and pieces about your girls. I think you will be able to balance a frugal life and doing what you want whether it is travel or staying home or something else quite nicely. The frugal aspect is always what interests me. Also your interests like finding older pyrex or other items. I have aquired quite a collection of older glass bake and cooking ware over the years and a lot of it is put away. Some I use. I love it all but cupboard space is limited. Have seen how well you seem to do selling it. I love the older beautiful made in the USA pieces. They hold up so well. Frugal is always something I love and anything you write about that interests me. Travel is great too. I too would recommend keeping a home base for a while at least. Your home is so lovely and you have keeping it up down to a science. Maybe later you'll decide to sell or buy a new one. I for one believe if I have a big change in my life I shouldn't change my whole life all at once. But see what still fits the life I want. Take care what ever is in the future we will be here if you continue to blog!

  13. You're darn tootin' I'd still be interested after your youngest graduates! Please don't stop writing your blog. I read it every day (well, not on weekends). It's very inspiring, and I get a lot of ideas for frugal living. Plus -- I enjoy your viewpoint. Don't stop!

  14. I'd love to keep reading about your life too, whatever you decide to do. Take us with you - along for the ride. ;0)

  15. I love your blog! Yours is one of the most interesting ones that I read.i would love to see where life takes you after retirement, please don't leave us hanging lol

  16. I have always loved your blog even though I don't comment that often. I would hate to see you stop blogging. If you decided to travel for awhile, I know I would love to hear about your adventures in your cute motorhome. You would be starting a new chapter in your life like many will be doing and we probably all would like to hear how you are doing and how it is working. Thanks for your blog! Paula in Kansas

  17. I would be completely interested in your blog after your youngest graduates high school.
    I just assumed you would continue on writing about your journey as the girls grow, your retirement, etc

  18. We are almost in the same phase of life. My children are the same age as your youngest so certainly your experiences are of great interest to me! I adore your blog!

  19. I love your blog and selfishly hope you continue it in some way. Maybe it will look a little different but hey change can be great!! And I’m fairly certain you’ll remain frugal and organized no matter where you live. Lol.

  20. Love your blog. I would be interested on how your life changes in retirement, your advise & observations would be awesome. I like a blog that keeps growing and changing...that keeps it interesting and fresh. I'm looking forward to retirement very soon also and would love reading about your journey!

  21. I’d love to keep reading as you navigate your way through a new season of life. I will be an empty nester in a couple of years myself, so I love reading about that. I also love reading blogs of retirees. It gives me something to look forward to.

  22. Since I'm a relatively new reader, I'm enjoying getting to know you better. Please continue. We're empty-nesters and dh is planning to retire in the next 4 years. I have 7 to go.

  23. I think you should keep this blog so people can look back to see how you have grown and changed over the years. Or, at least link this site to your new blog. Yes, I would love it if you keep blogging and I will follow, of course.

    1. Thank you Jeannie. I appreciate the input, very much. :o)


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