Friday, June 28, 2013

Just When You Think You Have It All Figured Out…

I had a plan.  In April I sat down with pencil and paper and brainstormed.  Then I came up with a plan.  I worked at my plan to make it better and once that happened I began to put my plan into motion.  I was on a roll.  Nothing could stop me now.  Or could it? 

We’ve had a situation come up and now we are looking at creating Plan B.  I didn’t have a Plan B in place because, honestly, I didn’t think I’d need one.  Now I do.
At the end of May my father kindly took my trailer up to his house and installed a new axle and springs on it for me.  I very much appreciated his ability and willingness to do this for me.  However, when he delivered the trailer back to me it was sitting significantly higher than it used to. 

The original axle is no longer available for my trailer.  I called and it just isn’t.  So the decision was made to install a replacement, which is completely fine and correctly installed.  It just won’t work with my current vehicle.  My pickup sits too close to the ground.  The trailer used to but no longer does.  With its current set up it isn’t safe for me to tow it with my truck. 

After visiting three different shops in the area to see if there was anything we can do to get it lowered I am left with the same answer.  “Um, no.”  I can have a replacement axle built the same as the old one but it is horribly expensive and will mean a two to three week delay.  If I had a full sized truck or drove an SUV or 4X4 I’d be fine.  Most people prefer their trailers up higher anyway. 

Right now a new vehicle really isn’t in the cards.  There are many good reasons for me to keep my truck – it economical to operate, has low miles, is in excellent shape and the biggest is that it is paid for. 

Plan B will not include the trailer and means we won’t get to do the travelling we had hoped to do.  It also means we won’t get to take our time and check out the many different places we wanted to consider to live in.  Quite frankly, without the trailer we are talking an entirely different plan altogether. 

Now I just need to come up with Plan B.


  1. I'm sorry, that stinks! Or maybe not, I hope you can come up with a great plan B.

    1. It does stink! But we were obviously meant to travel a different path. It will be fine. :)

  2. Hopefully this is just a minor bump in the road to your travels.

    1. We'll just change gears a little bit and make it work.

  3. Sorry about the issue with the trailer.

    1. I'm beginning to think it will be better this way. Not exactly what I had planned but not the worst thing either. :)

  4. Things usually happen for a reason. We may never know what that reason is...........but perhaps you will be lead on a much more exciting, fulfilling journey. Just keep positive and watchful. ---S---

    1. I've been blessed with great friends to help me sort it all out and come up with a new plan. I am truly a lucky girl!


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