Friday, October 11, 2019

Doing It Myself & Saving My $$

I'm sure you've gathered by now I'm a wee bit of a "do-it-yourselfer".  My DIY skills have been challenged and honed quite a bit over the years and I've amassed quite a few abilities I would've never dreamed possible.  I love to do projects.  My mind is always whirling with the next great thing I could do.  My aunt teases me that as soon as I run out of projects around here I'll probably sell and go buy something else so I have plenty to work on.  She is probably right about that, although right now it is hard to imagine running out of things to do around here.

You can learn to do anything

I prefer to do things myself for a number of reasons.  I like that things get done on my schedule, instead of someone else's and they get done the way I want them done instead of someone else's way.  I get to decide the quality of the workmanship as well as the material used in my projects as well.  Quality is important to me.  The work turns out better and holds up.

Electrical work isn't as difficult as you might think

I am constantly watching and reading about how to do things, especially if it is something I've never done before.  Things change and there are better ways of doing things so I like to keep up on that as well.  It never hurts to learn and so I am always learning.  Youtube and the internet have become invaluable resources for me as well as all the books at our local library.  You can pretty much learn to do anything.

You can learn to set tile

Becoming capable and self sufficient has been really empowering.  For a woman who hasn't always been so self assured becoming a "do-it-yourselfer" has helped me become a better person as well as much more confident.  There is nothing that boosts one's self esteem quite as much as a well completed project, no matter what it is.

You can learn about plumbing

As a modest single income family doing things myself has enabled us to get a lot more done as we are able to really stretch those dollars instead of having to pay someone else to do it for us.  We have so much more than we otherwise would have as a result.

Home Sweet Home

Patience plays a big part for me as well.  Saving up the money (or the rewards points to cash in for gift cards to Home Depot) for a project takes time.  Learning to do something new and putting it into practice takes time and patience too.  But in the end it is all worth it.  Knowledge and skills are powerful tools to have.  I'll keep learning and putting my skill set to good use.  In the process I'll build a better life and save a lot of money doing it.


  1. You are such an inspiration and your home looks great!

  2. I very much admire your "can do!" attitude! Me, I get myself so wrapped around the axle with "what ifs" that it takes me a long time to get started. And once I do get started it's not nearly as bad as I imagined, and I get exasperated with myself for taking so unnecessarily long to get going! Ah, high expectations do not marry well with a guilty conscience! :^)

    All that said, I would like to hear the story behind that large sword in the living room! You never mention it, so I figure it must be a good one!

  3. It is easy to get all caught up in our own heads sometimes.

    That is a replica of a Templar sword. Some people hang a cross on the wall, I hang a sword. It fits me and it fits my decor. LOL Not much of a story though. :o/

    1. With your can-do attitude, I fully expected to hear that you were an experienced swordfighter and that was your prized weapon! :^)

    2. Well, you know how I hate to brag....


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