Monday, July 5, 2021

Last Week's Thrifty Moves


Sunday was the beginning of a weeklong heat wave (it was a hot one!!) here in Boise, Idaho so I was up before sunrise and ready to take it on.  I started out by opening up all the windows and our back door to set the box fan there to blow in some cooler fresh air.  After a cup of coffee and posting on my blog I was ready to get dressed and head out for a good long walk.  I got back in time to do a couple quick chores, pack my daughter a lunch to take to work and do a little bit of planning.  I planned a quick grocery shopping trip to coincide with my daughter getting off of work so I could give her a ride home.  Then home for dinner and some R&R to wind down a busy and productive weekend.


Sneaky girl!

It was all about staying cool and keeping our animals cool and hydrated too throughout the week.  We made sure we had plenty of ice and fresh water.  I even took ice out to the chickens and put it in their water which I think they appreciated.  It was pretty miserable for them and it made me feel sad, but they managed it fairly well.


Digital coupon deals

Before I knew it Saturday was here.  I was up before sunrise and off for a walk through my neighborhood before heading off to pick up a few sales items at Fred Meyer and Albertsons.  Other than that is was a quiet and uneventful week for the most part.


I was able to stock up on some low carb bread (99¢ each) and a package of low carb hamburger buns ($1.79) I found on markdown.  I placed the bread inside of Ziploc bags before putting it into the freezer.  I think it helps a lot to keep it from getting tough or freezer burnt.  Between the four loaves of bread and the package of eight buns I think I have enough low carb bread squirreled away for me to last the rest of this year.  Adding that bread to our chest freezer topped it back up so it is completely full once again.


FREE paper towels

The freebie item at Albertson's last week was a three pack of paper towels.  I picked that up so I can put them into Laverne.  My oldest daughter picked up her offer for me as well so I now have two packages of paper towels to stow away in Laverne.  As a rule we don't really use paper towels much.  I keep a roll in the garage for when we work on our cars or have a really big mess to clean up.  But I figured when I head out on the road in my RV they would be nice to have on hand.  And FREE ones are even better!


Pasta carbonara

THINGS WE ATE LAST WEEK:  Pasta carbonara, grilled hot dogs, pesto shrimp & asparagus (keto), steak (keto), Italian sausages & peppers (keto), pasta & vodka sauce, grilled cheese sandwich (keto), scrambled eggs & avocado (keto).



Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - Scrubbed toilet & sink, vacuumed floors, mopped laundry room floor.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Kitchen & Dining Room - Cleaned microwave, vacuumed & mopped floors.  Daily swish & swipe. 

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - Vacuumed & dusted..  Daily swish & swipe. 

Other - one large load of laundry.  Vacuumed & dusted living room, hallway & both entryways, mopped front entry.


THINGS I DID TO SAVE A SMALL BUNDLE OF $$:  I downloaded a lot of digital coupons and carefully planned my shopping trip, then used a gift card to pay for my purchases on Sunday.  I searched for a promo code and was able to renew my cell phone service for an entire year for only $78!


THINGS I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$:  I added some new items to my Etsy store.  I sold something on eBay.


How was your thrifty week?


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