Monday, October 21, 2019

Last Week's Thrifty Moves

Sunday was more of a rest and recuperate day for me.  I made some spicy Coconut Curry Soup which helped a lot and made me feel better.  I had that for dinner again on Monday and was feeling much, much better.  Colds are just the worst.

Monday I had to hem my daughter's orchestra dress.  I sewed forever, I swear.  It was four inches too long and went miles around, but after a couple hours I had it done and looking good.  I sure hope she gets to keep the same dress until she graduates.  I really don't want to repeat that chore each year.

Tuesday was my daughter's first orchestra concert as a high school student.  It was really quite lovely.

I didn't do a whole lot throughout the remainder of the week as I recuperated from my head cold that was trying to move on into my chest.  Thankfully it did not and by Thursday I was feeling much better.

My neighbor and I have started digging into the Pesky Realtor situation to see if we can get a better idea of what is happening.  Hopefully we'll come up with some solid answers fairly soon.  That issue consumed the better part of my week and highly contributed to my lack of productivity.  Raised my stress level a bit too, not to mention my poor daughters.  But at least by the end of the week we had a better idea of what is going on and what our options are.

All the meal prepping I did last weekend really paid off for us.  I had enough meals and plenty of variety to see us through the week in suppers and lunches.  On Thursday I thawed a container of spaghetti meat sauce I had stashed in the freezer and reheated it for supper to go over a box of linguine noodles my daughter cooked up.  She seriously loves her spaghetti.  That was pretty much the extent of my "cooking" during the week day.

I worked overtime every day last week.  And I got my raise at work!!  Yes!!  Couldn't have come at a better time either!

I used some Pumpkin Marshmallow Latte scented bath gel to make a couple batches of foaming hand soap solution.  I was able to top off all of our soap dispensers throughout the house.

I really love our cozy little home

Some of the 15 Minute Chores I accomplished to keep my home in order:

Laundry Room & Half Bathroom - cleaned top of washer & dryer, vacuumed & mopped floors, scrubbed toilet.  Daily swish & swipe.

Dining Room - vacuumed & mopped floor.

Kitchen -  vacuumed & mopped the floor, cleaned microwave.

Bedrooms & Main Bathroom - vacuumed & dusted.  Scrubbed sink.  Daily swish & swipe.

Other - one load of laundry, vacuumed & dusted living room & hallway.  Vacuumed & mopped front entry.  Swept front porch & garage, raked a pile of leaves.

How was your thrifty week?


  1. Congratulations on the raise!!!! You deserve it.

    1. Thank you Candace. It was a long time coming and I am so glad I got it! :)

  2. Your house looks so warm and inviting. What did you find out about the realtor? I know right now is a great time on selling, but to find something at what you paid is hard and I know for us our payments would def be higher for what we have.


    1. Thanks so much. Nothing definitive. Definitely a great time to sell; not so much to buy. :o/

  3. The spaghettis pic looks so yummy! I read the realtor post, too. It does leave you scratching your head. Yes, you should hold out for a long time and top dollar!!!

    1. Holding out and holding on as long as I can!! No need to make it too easy. :0)


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