Thursday, August 26, 2021

Do You Need A J.O.L.T.?


Sometimes a situation or a task can seem so overwhelming you can't even get started.  A large project or a change in the process can be paralyzing.  Maybe it's your health or you are recovering from an injury that keeps you from tackling whatever it is you need to do.  Fear of not knowing for sure what we should do can also stop us dead in our tracks and make us reluctant to try.  In these instances maybe you just need a J.O.L.T.


Whenever I find myself struggling to get started the best thing I can do is Just One Little Thing.  J.O.L.T. it!  It has always amazed me how just doing one little thing will lead to another which leads to another and then my momentum builds to the point I find myself finishing that project or having that conversation or taking that step needed to change the direction of my future.  Whatever the case may be doing some small and simple can make all the difference in the world. 


We all find ourselves struggling from time to time.  Life throws us curveballs.  Changes happen.  New situations arise.  Plans go awry.  People are moody.  Traffic gets backed up.  Your boss implements a new software program.  Your favorite restaurant closes.  The world finds itself in a pandemic.  We lose a loved one.  We lose a job.  So many things in life can cause us to shut down and not know how to get started again.


I encourage you to get up and try.  Just one little thing.  And then one more thing.  Keep going.  You're going to get it done.  You're going to get through it.  You're going to be just fine.  We can do this.




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