Thursday, August 12, 2021

Stocking Up On Cheese


We eat a lot of cheese at our house.  It is a big part of my Keto diet and my daughter loves to make nachos.  I think she is going to turn into a nacho!  Anyway, I only buy it when I get it on sale and fortunately those sales are not hard to come by.  I usually find cheese between $2 and $3 a pound.  The larger the bags of cheese means the price is typically closer to $2 a pound like the ones I buy at Cash & Carry.  Sometimes, as was the case last week, I get really lucky and find bags of cheese on mark down for less than $2 a pound.


Markdown bags of cheese plus I had a coupon - $1.25 a pound
Sliced Swiss cheese $1.50 for 8 ounces

I divide the larger bags of cheese by using a measuring cup to place two or three cups in a Ziploc sandwich bag.  I label each bag with a Sharpie marker so I know what kind of cheese is in the bag as well as the date.  Then I place each of the bags into a larger Ziploc bag to keep them organized and help stave off freezer burn.

Parmesan is another one of those cheeses we really go through quickly so when Cash & Carry has them on sale I will grab one.  Those I always divide up into two cup packages.  That way I have the right amount to fill up a pint jar.  I have saved loads of lids off of parmesan containers and they fit perfectly on top of a pint jar.


Once all of the cheeses I had purchased were divvied up, labeled and placed into the bigger Ziploc bags they headed to the freezer.  I ended up with four very full gallon bags which will last us a fair bit of time.  

We'll try to control ourselves.



  1. I started following your advice last summer about preparing - but little did I know our compressor on our fridge/freezer would go out in early Feb and not be fixed until April! All that food gone to waste! I do have lots of dehydrated fruits and vegies - love the Cuisinart dehydrator.

    1. So sorry to hear about your freezer misfortune. I've had that happen before myself. Never a good thing.

  2. We eat lots of cheese, too! I save those Parmesan lids and jars, too. This last two weeks I found cheese on sale, not as good as your sale, though.

    1. I really lucked out on the markdown cheese. And to have a coupon too? Amazing.

  3. We love cheese - the prices have doubled and almost tripled here. A few months ago I loaded up when it was on sale (the old price) and waxed it. First I wiped it down with white vinegar, let it air dry for a day, then dipped it in hot cheese wax. It will store at room temperature since I fear losing everything in my freezer if there is a power outage.

    We opened the first block this weekend and it was awesome! The flavor had changed and was like expensive aged cheese. The wax is pricey but we save it and are reusing it.



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