awoke to another gorgeous spring morning last Sunday so I was up and at it as
soon as the sun was up. Daylight savings
time began and although we lose an hour I am always very happy for its
arrival. I love when it stays lighter
later in the evenings and I'd be quite happy if we could just keep it this way
all year long.
Carne Asada |
started the laundry, fixed myself a coffee and settled in for some writing and
financial planning to get my week ahead started off on the right foot. A quick look in the fridge, freezers and
pantry let me know that I did not need to dash off and do any grocery shopping
which meant my day was free and clear.
My daughter had to work so I gave her a couple bucks to pick up a bundle of
asparagus they have on sale where she works and that took care of that. I set out meat to defrost for some afternoon
meal prepping and in the meantime finished up the load of laundry I had started
and then did some crafting. It has been
a very long time since I've been able to spend time in my craft room and I
really needed it.

evening I decluttered the medicine cabinet in our downstairs bathroom. I tossed out expired cold medicine and items
we no longer want, need or used and moved a few items to a better location in
our upstairs linen closet. It was pretty crowded in there before but
functions much nicer now.

took Friday off of work to begin a long four day weekend. My first task that day was an early morning
appointment at the DMV to update my drivers license to a STAR card.
Next, because I was in the area, was to stop in at Wal-Mart on the way
home and return a rug I'd bought last month for our downstairs bathroom that
was way too big. I found a replacement,
picked up a few more items including three more gallons of water to add to the prepper pantry. Every time I see jugs of water for a good
price I am planning to pick up two or three to add to it until I meet my
goal. FEMA says one gallon per person
per day and that we should have a two week supply on hand. I agree with that but I want to have a bit
more on hand to be better prepared.

at Wal-Mart I finally found plastic
lids for my mason jars in stock. I've
needed another package of these ever since I started dehydrating food last year but no luck. I grabbed one for the kitchen and one for the prepper pantry. I shouldn't need to buy anymore of these lids. Now to find the flat canning lids in the
regular size. I'm still on the hunt.
still use the lids from parmesan cheese containers on my mason jars too. In fact I just happened to save one this
week. They are perfect for spices and
the jars of dehydrated foods I happen to be using. They fit perfectly and are really handy.
was planning to use some of my pocket money to buy a few bars of dark chocolate
I like, but Wal-Mart was out. Instead I
picked up three packages of pork rinds and a container of my favorite green
chile dip. A great Keto snack and one I
will share with Jack. That kitty loves
pork rinds and will actually beg for them. I also treated myself to a new candle in my favorite hazelnut cream scent.
morning I was able to get a big project off my plate which was to subdivide two
peace lilies, mine and one from work, and get them repotted. I ended up with 7 plants once all was said
and done. I kept two plants (one for me
and one for my youngest), re-homed three (my oldest daughter and her roommates)
and took one back to work. The one extra
will likely end up back at work once it is done sitting in water for awhile
until the roots are stronger and it is ready to pot in soil.
the extra pots I needed came from the dollar store and my garage. I had picked up a large bag of potting soil
at Fred Meyer sometime in December or January so this project has been in the
works for a bit of time. I'm really glad
to have it finished up finally.
Taco salad |
WE ATE LAST WEEK: Carne asada & rice, eggroll in a bowl, grilled chicken sandwiches, baked gnocchi, taco salad.
Room & Half Bathroom - Scrubbed
toilet, vacuumed & mopped floors.
Daily swish & swipe.
& Dining Room - Vacuumed &
mopped floors. Cleaned stove, range hood & microwave. Scrubbed &
bleached sink. Cleaned dining room walls
& ceiling, cleaned table & chairs.
Daily swish & swipe.
& Main Bathroom - Cleaned sink, vacuumed & dusted, mopped bathroom
floor. Daily swish & swipe.
- two large loads of laundry. Vacuumed &
dusted living room, hallway & both entryways. Cleaned entry way & hallway walls &
ceiling, cleaned light fixtures.
returned an item to the store that we didn't need. I turned off our central heating source and
we are now using just the fireplace and our infrared heater set on low as we
need. I did very little grocery shopping
so hardly anything was spent of food. We
also ate all of our leftovers so no food was wasted. We fed some stale bread to the chickens which
thrilled them quite a bit too.
I DID TO EARN EXTRA $$: I moved our
latest stimulus payment to my savings account where it will earn some
interest. I had done the same with the
one we got at the first of January. I
received my annual bonus at work as well last week and immediately deposited it
into savings. I sold something on eBay.
All in all, I had a
fairly lucrative and productive week. I
am quite pleased with all that I was able to accomplish. How was your thrifty week?