Saturday, November 17, 2012

I Am In My Groove

Awhile ago I posted about how I needed to develop a new routine.  Well, let me tell you, it didn’t take me long and I am in a groove.  Knock on wood, things are running pretty smoothly and we’ve had some hairy weeks lately. 

Because my shop doesn’t open until 10:00 in the morning I have been taking full advantage of this.  Once I drop the girls off at school I have a full hour and a half before I have to be at work.  I take full advantage of this time to run errands or do my grocery shopping.  I find that I am shopping about once a week.
Also, about once a week, sometimes twice, I head back home to do housework or finish laundry.  The rest of the time I head to the shop on work on my birthday, Christmas and bazaar projects.  I am so happy I set up my workspace in the loft at the shop.  It works perfectly so I can get things done and keep myself busy in between customers.  I positioned my sewing machine so that I can see the front door if someone comes in while I am up there and they can’t see my mess from downstairs.  I almost think this building was custom designed just for me. 

I am happy to report multiple interruptions in my projects this past week as traffic is beginning to pick up.  I have had a customer come in every day for over a week now, most days two.  That is progress.  I am looking forward to being so busy I can’t get up to the loft at all during business hours. J 

With the time change from daylight savings ending we now take care of the chickens in the morning before we leave instead of the evening.  This has made us have to move a little quicker in the mornings but has freed up our supper time routine a bit, which is nice. 

So far things are running pretty smoothly.  We are staying on top of our chores and housework and managing to get it all done.  Maybe someday I’ll get to slow down a little and take a deep breath.  I probably wouldn’t know what to do it that actually happened.

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