Thursday, March 14, 2013


Like dishes I find that laundry is the other thing I do the most but never seem to ever get completely done.  There is always more.  To keep up on our laundry I have two set days a week that I designate to this task – Sunday and Wednesday. 

Sunday I do all the bedding, towels and whatever dirty clothes need washed.  On Wednesday I run another dark load of clothes and that seems to be enough effort to keep us in clean socks and undies all week long. 

My mother has been trying to get me to try homemade laundry detergent for quite some time.  I had bought two big buckets of laundry soap from Costco awhile back so I was set for soap to last a long time.  Plus, to be honest, the thought of adding one more chore to my list didn’t exactly thrill me. 

I decided as my Kirkland brand detergent was running low that I would go ahead and give the homemade stuff a try.  A lot of people are making it and loving it so I bought the ingredients and made up a batch.  Definitely not an expensive endeavor and my mother has promised me I will love it and my clothes will be cleaner.  Excellent! 

Homemade Laundry Detergent 

3 cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
3 cups 20 Mule Team Borax
2 bars Fels Naptha soap 

In a 4 quart container place the soda and borax.  Grate the soap bars into the container with a cheese grater.  Snap on a lid and shake to combine. 

Measure out 2 tablespoons (coffee scoop) per load of laundry. 

I made the soap and since I had an extra coffee scoop in my utensil drawer I tossed it into the container as well.  It didn’t take more than ten minutes to make, if that, and if it performs as well as people say I think it will save me money too. 

I do like the idea of using a more pure product that I make myself as opposed to all the ingredients in commercial detergent, most of which I can’t pronounce.  It is also okay to use in my HE front loading washer. 

Do you make your own laundry detergent?


  1. No, I have not tried making my own laundry soap. Did you grate the soap with your kitchen grater or one just for that purpose? I don't think I could grate two bars in ten minutes. Really? That is all the longer it took you?

    1. I thought it would be hard to grate the soap but it was so easy. The soap is surprisingly soft and grates quickly. I used my regular cheese grater and it worked perfectly.


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