Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Homemade Yogurt

I bought the ingredients to make yogurt.  I had never done it before but I found the recipe and technique over at and it looked like a simple straightforward process.  I was very excited to give it a try.  Yogurt has become so expensive and we eat it nearly every day.  As a result yogurt consumes a large portion of my grocery budget every month.  I try to take advantage of coupons and markdowns to help offset some of the expense but if I can make it myself it will really save me a ton. 

Well guess what?  It worked!  I am thrilled and I think it rivals any Yoplait vanilla yogurt you can buy.  My girls were really impressed and loved having it for their after school snack.  My oldest put some of our home canned peaches on it and said it was fantastic.  I plan to try that myself soon. 

My mother wants me to make her a quart as well as a batch of my homemade granola to take on her big month long trip they are going on next month.  I definitely need to make some granola to go with this yogurt. 

I made a half recipe because I wanted to make sure it worked and I wasn’t sure how fast we would eat it before it went bad.  Well, I plan to make another batch soon.  A half batch made 4 pints plus a half pint to use as my starter for the next batch.  Not bad!  I’m just really impressed with the flavor.  It is delicious. 

I did the math and this half recipe made the equivalent of 10½ containers (6oz.) of yogurt.  Right now regular price on Yoplait is 60¢ each so $6.00.  I spent $1.75 for the ingredients I used.  I’d say that is a significant savings. 

We are also planning to make some homemade ice cream this week.  We love ice cream.  It is my favorite dessert, hands down.  Several years ago I bought an ice cream maker with the base that you put in the freezer.  I love it! 

Do you make homemade yogurt or ice cream?

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