Saturday, April 14, 2012

It Has Been Quite A Week!

My week is ending far better than it began and I think I’m gaining a whole new perspective.  I know things happen for a reason and I know the path I was traveling was not the path I am supposed to be on. 

The enormity of what I was prepared to do in order to improve my work life and alleviate some of the stress I was experiencing is mind blowing.  With the encouragement of my employers I was going to completely uproot my life and move closer to work.  Take my children out of the only school they have ever attended, sell the only home they have ever known, bear the enormous expense of the move itself….

What was I thinking?! 

The only stress I would have eliminated would be that long commute in heavy traffic and the stress at the gas pump every week.  The stress at work wouldn’t have changed at all.  Truth is I don’t think moving would have improved a my quality of life much at all.  I think I was just desperate to do something. 

So this week: 

·         I have gained a new perspective
·         Slept at night
·         Attended two of my daughter’s school programs
·       Got a much needed haircut (hadn’t had one since October) and some highlights to conceal my grays
·         Got my resume ready and checked out the job boards
·         Completely went over my finances.  We are good!
·         Went to the grocery store – during the day!
·         Had a date night with my girls – out to dinner with a gift card and then home for games
·         Cooked and cleaned
·         Learned who my friends are.  They always show up when you are down. J
·         Worked on getting ready for a Yard Sale 

Probably not as productive as I could have been but in all honesty I literally stumbled around for a couple of days trying to figure out how to get started. 

I am truly comfortable with where I am at right now and the number one reason for this is because I am sleeping at night.  That alone speaks volumes.

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