Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fruits & Vegetables For Good Nutrition

My children don't really love to eat their fruits and vegetables but I find as they get older they are much better about eating them.  I have been relentless in pushing them at meal times and yes, I could have hidden them in their entrées but that isn't really my style.  I want them to know what they are eating and why.  I think the "why" is important.

We talk about food and good nutrition.  A lot.

Sunday breakfast

When I adopted my girls they came home with me suffering the effects of severe malnutrition.  Because of that I have waged my own private campaign to give my girls the best possible food I can.  It began on day one and it was struggle because they hadn't had much variety in their diets and everything was new.  They pretty much fought me every step of the way, but I was persistent and gentle in my approach and eventually, over time, they grew to like the healthy foods I offered.

Of all the foods, fruits and vegetables were the biggest struggle.  And I know they are with a lot of children.  Adults too.  But I feel they are really important because in general I think we eat way to many starches and fatty foods.  I think it is important to find balance.

On Sunday I like to prepare a nice veggie tray to snack on throughout the week.  I also make up a nice big garden salad to serve with our dinners.  I often take salad in my lunch to work.  I love to serve fruit in place of dessert we enjoy it as a snack too.  I will often eat an orange, apple or banana around 3:00 in the afternoon while at work.  I make fruit salads and compotes to.

Steamed veggies topped with a little butter and garlic or just sprinkled with grated cheese makes a nice side dish.  I make fruit salads or compotes a lot too.  I top homemade yogurt with berries or sliced peaches.  Slice up an apple and serve it alongside a dollop of peanut butter.


I do put a lot of veggies into our main courses as well.  Diced tomatoes into my pasta sauce, mushrooms in our alfredo and loads of veggies in soups.  Sandwiches are not immune either.  Adding pickles, lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes or avocado adds additional flavor and nutrients.

My pretty girl!

Last week I took my girls into the dentist and he told me I'm winning!  The girl's oral health has taken a complete 180° turn.  No cavities for the third year in a row too!  For us, I find that variety and creativity go a long way in helping us to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our diet.  I know it is important that they do.


  1. The more fruits and veggies we eat the less processed food we consume. Since having Little One, I started cooking and eating more responsibly. I started reading the backs of boxes and cans of food I wanted to buy. That's when I realized all the chemicals and sodium I was giving my baby !!! Yes, we still have the boxed Mac & Cheese, but I balance that with carrot and celery sticks and a dip made with yogurt and herbs. She loves dipping and it's great for hand/eye coordination. I also make fruit smoothies for dessert.
    It's too soon to tell the total impcact I'm making on her health but I do know she's in the 90th percentile for her age.
    I say keep pushing those fruits and veggies !!!
    Vanessa B

    1. Glad to hear it! You are doing such a great job. I give my kids potato chips and they love ramen noodles (ugh) but like you I balance that with healthy foods too. I also notice that when I bulk up on the fresh produce I tend to stay away from the junk.

  2. You are a very good momma! I have always felt that fruits and veggies were important, but years ago you would not think that by looking at our plates of food. I always had made it a point to serve veggies with our meals and have fruit in the house, but it was always served as a side dish and we only ate enough to say we had some that day. After I had children my thinking really shifted and fruits and veggies became more important. Over the years I have seen that fruits and especially veggies have become more like the main part of our meals and the meat and other foods are more like a side dish. As I have learned to be more frugal I find that we consume smaller amounts of meat and more healthy foods in our diets. My husband is a meat-guy so we do usually have meat with dinner, but it is a very little amount, and we load up on the veggies more than anything else. I find that eating more fruits and veggies is easier when I am loaded with fresh produce in the house. Lately I have been trying to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand. Having them laying around makes it is easy to just grab these things for snacks. And I am also more inclined to cook everything or use them up before they go bad, so having a lot of produce kind of keeps me on my toes and serving up the healthy stuff to my family. :)
    And I agree with you, that it is important for children to know why they are eating healthy and keep active. My kids and I have a lot of those conversation also. Speaking of kids, your daughter is absolutely beautiful! Both of your girls are! :)

    1. Oh thank you. I just love my girls. We are finding meats are more of a side dish and our plates are almost half filled with fruits and veggies. I love that. I like to have produce available for snacking instead of junk food too, but every once in awhile we do indulge. :)


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