Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Chicks Are Two Months Old!

It amazes me that it has already been two months now since our girls hatched out.  Despite our rocky start these little ladies are doing fantastic.  They are getting huge and eating more, as is to be expected.  A lot more.


In the last two weeks they are spending their days outside in the coop.  We bring them in at night and put them in the brooder as the temperatures are still fairly chilly.  Once the weather warms up a touch more they'll be in the coop for good.  They also experienced their first rainy day and seemed no worse for wear from it.

Last week I bought a 50# bag of hen scratch.  I call it chicken candy and they love it.  A nice assortment of seeds mixed with cracked corn to add variety to their diet.  Along with fruit and vegetable scraps we pick dandelion greens to feed them too.  They devour those leaves like crazy.

Check out Matilda perched in the plum tree
Their feathers have changed so much and they are really beginning to look a lot like their future adult selves.  Crowns are starting to take shape on top of their heads too and the little waddles under their chins are just beginning to show.

My girl Edith.  She is such a sweetheart.
The girlies still enjoy their cuddling and lap time just as much as ever.  Edith is such a snuggler.  I can't imagine missing out on all this fun.  I'm so glad we made the decision to raise chickens again.


  1. Your chicks are certainly growing fast and they look so different from when they made their first debut. How soon before they start laying eggs ?
    Vanessa B

    1. They should start laying in about 3 months. I can hardly wait for "farm fresh" eggs.


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